Letters To Parents

31AUGLetter To Tollbar Parents

Important letter to parents. Read More

28JUNNew Intake Parents Evening 7th July

Individual information and timings will be distributed to parents. Read More

28JUNYear 6 Transition Days 7th and 8th July

We look forward to welcoming new students to the Academy. Read More

28JUNYear 8 Parents' Evening – Tuesday 12 July and Wednesday 13 July 2022

I would like to invite you to attend our Y8 Parents' Evenings on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 July. Read More

21APRYear 9 Parents' Evening – Tuesday 3 May and Wednesday 4 May

I would like to invite you to attend our Y9 Parents' Evenings on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 May 2022. Read More

23MARYear 11 Easter Revision Classes

In order to provide as much support as possible to our Year 11 students, we are pleased to inform you that we are offering revision sessions in a number of subjects throughout the... Read More