Letters To Parents

3JANArrangements for January 2022

Ref: VJW/AKW 3 January 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Wishing our children and their families a very Happy New Year! We are looking forward to welcoming our children back into the Ac... Read More

16DECTBA Newsletter — December 2021

Download the TBA Newsletter — December 2021 (/tollbar/media/files/tba-newsletter-20211216. Read More

14DECYear 11 Parents' Evening — Tuesday 11 January and Wednesday 12 January 2021

We would like to invite you to attend our Year 11 Parents’ Evenings on Tuesday 11 January and Wednesday 12 January 2022. Read More

13DECWhole school letter — December 2021 — COVID-19 guidance

I am writing to you to clarify our current measures and plans for January 2022 in relation to Covid-19. Read More

8DECNorth East Lincolnshire public health team notice

Dear Parent or Carer With Christmas fast approaching and concerns around Covid once again in the headlines, I wanted to let you know what the latest position is in North East Linc... Read More

2DECSwitch from ParentPay to Capita Pay360

Ref: VJW/AKW 2 December 2021 Dear Parent/Carer We are writing to inform you that from Saturday 1 January 2022, we will be switching from Parent Pay to Pay360 Sims Pay. Read More

15NOVMorning Career Talks

Ref: EHJ/VJW/AKW 15 November 2021 Dear Parent / Carer We would like to run regular career sessions during morning tutorial where we can have video conversations, via Teams, with... Read More

14OCTOctober Half-Term Catch-Up Sessions

Dear Parent/Carer In order to provide as much support as possible to our Year 11 students, we are pleased to inform you that we are offering catch-up sessions in a number of... Read More