
English Key Stage 3

What can students do to develop their skills in this subject area?

  • Read widely – both for pleasure and around the topics being studied in lessons. For example, if Shakespeare is being studied, try reading another play that he wrote or complete some independent research into what life was like in his day.
  • Engage in discussion about topics being explored in English lessons.
  • Take a leading role in learning in lessons – choose an area to lead based on individual strengths.
  • Engage in discussion with older generations to explore and appreciate a wide variety of ideas and opinions.
  • Attend theatre performances of plays by authors of texts studied in class.
  • Develop a wider awareness of current affairs, accessing quality newspapers and current affairs programmes.
  • Be aware of and watch documentaries and television series exploring key themes and ideas explored in class.
  • Research historical factors relating to texts studied beyond those explored in class.
  • Visit local libraries and bookshops to attend workshops, book signings and book launches.
  • Attend extra-curricular clubs offered at lunch-time and after Academy hours.
  • Join a local theatre group.
  • Take the opportunity to enter the inter-house competitions put on by the Academy.
  • Enter a range of literary competitions such as Young Writers and get involved in the Grimsby Telegraph Young Reporters scheme.

What websites could students visit to support the curriculum?

BBC Bitesize.
National Novel Writing Month - www.nanowrimo.org
Broadsheet newspaper websites – for instance The Times Online; The Guardian; The Independent; BBC News.
BBC iPlayer (radio) store numerous podcasts and recording of classic literature.

How can parents/carers help and what can be done at home?

  • Sit and read regularly with your son or daughter. Recommend books that you have read. Discuss key issues and ideas explored in the text being read.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to practise speaking and listening presentations to develop confidence when speaking publicly.
  • Watch documentaries relating to key themes explored in the Academy and explore the ideas discussed.
  • Attend theatre performances of texts being studied in class.
  • Visit literary places of interest to support study of texts and authors: Bronte Parsonage, Stratford upon Avon, The Globe Theatre, Warner Brothers Studios.

English Key Stage 4

What can students do to develop their skills in this subject area?

  • Read widely – both for pleasure and around the topics being studied in lessons. For example, if A Christmas Carol is being studied, try reading another novel that Charles Dickens wrote or complete some independent research into what life was like in his day.
  • Explore the wide range of resources on the VLE to support study of texts at GCSE.
  • Volunteer to support with KS3 extra-curricular clubs.
  • Engage in discussion about topics being explored in English lessons.
  • Take a leading role in learning in lessons – choose an area to lead based on individual strengths.
  • Engage in discussion with older generations to explore and appreciate a wide variety of ideas and opinions.
  • Attend theatre performances of plays by authors of texts studied in class.
  • Develop a wider awareness of current affairs, accessing quality newspapers and current affairs programmes.
  • Be aware of and watch documentaries and television series exploring key themes and ideas explored in class.
  • Research historical factors relating to texts studied beyond those explored in class.
  • Visit local libraries and bookshops to attend workshops, book signings and book launches.
  • Attend extra-curricular clubs offered at lunch-time and after Academy hours.
  • Join a local theatre group.
  • Take the opportunity to enter the inter-house competitions put on by the Academy.
  • Enter a range of literary competitions such as Young Writers, Hay Festival Short Story Writing Competition and get involved in the Grimsby Telegraph Young Reporters scheme.

What websites could students visit to support the curriculum?

BBC Bitesize.
Cliffs Notes.
English Biz.
English Literature Revision World.
Broadsheet newspaper websites – for instance The Times Online; The Guardian; The Independent; BBC News.
BBC iPlayer (radio) store numerous podcasts and recording of classic literature.

How can parents/carers help and what can be done at home?

  • Discuss literature with your son or daughter. Recommend books that you have read. Discuss key issues and ideas explored in the text being read.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to practise speaking and listening presentations to develop confidence when speaking publicly.
  • Watch documentaries relating to key themes explored in the Academy and explore the ideas discussed.
  • Attend theatre performances of texts being studied in class.
  • Visit literary places of interest to support study of texts and authors: Bronte Parsonage, Stratford upon Avon, The Globe Theatre, Warner Brothers Studios.