October Half-Term Catch-Up Sessions

Dear Parent/Carer

In order to provide as much support as possible to our Year 11 students, we are pleased to inform you that we are offering catch-up sessions in a number of subjects over the first week of the October half-term break. In addition to the lunch-time and after school classes which are taking place, the October half-term catch-up sessions also present additional learning time for our students. It is highly recommended that your child attends as many session(s) that they can.

Please note: the catch-up sessions are free of charge.

Catch-up sessions are scheduled from 9:30am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 3:00pm. If students are attending a session, they will need to be punctual and registered onsite at the beginning of each session. If arriving by bicycle, these must be locked up in the bicycle shed which will be open from 9:15am to 9:30am; 12:00pm to 12:30pm and 3:00pm.

Unfortunately, there will be no lunch facilities available, so if students are attending both morning and afternoon sessions, they must provide their own lunch and drinks. Students are not expected to wear school uniform.

A copy of the timetable is attached.

Students will be given a letter of the sessions offered by each Curriculum Area. Your child will need to return the reply slip, on the subject area letter, to the Curriculum Leader for the subject they wish to attend so staff can plan who to expect. Places will be filled on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

It is essential you contact the Academy on the main telephone number, 01472 500505, if your child is unable to attend any of the catch-up sessions selected.

We hope that your child will choose to make full use of these additional sessions to supplement the work they are completing in the Academy and at home.

Yours faithfully

Miss V J Watts
Interim Principal

Enc: Half-term catch-up session timetable

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