Under the single title of Careers and Personal Development, students will follow a programme of study that has been recommended by the PSHE Association. This involves the study of subject matter associated with three key areas: health and well-being, relationships and sex education and living in the wider world. They will also follow a programme of study for careers, which will enable students to challenge perceptions and raise aspirations so that subject and career choices are free from gender bias and students look beyond their immediate environment to new and exciting opportunities.
Careers and Personal Development is a compulsory subject in Key Stages 3 and 4. However, opportunities are also available through other subjects and activities across the Academy. All students in all years have at least one lesson a week, with the subject being taught by a dedicated team of teachers. In year 9 and 10 students also study two statutory RE units of work.
The programme of study for Careers and Personal Development allows students to develop skills and attitudes to lead successful lives at College and beyond and prepares them for life in modern Britain and the challenges that they may face.
In this Curriculum Area, we aim to help students:
Throughout the programme of study students will gain skills which will help them in their everyday life and prepare them for adulthood. This includes skills for employability and the identification, assessment and management of positive and negative risk to self and others. Throughout the programme of study students will learn strategies for identifying and accessing appropriate help and support within a variety of contexts.
The skills that students acquire will help them to be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education or training and prepare them for taking an active role in the community and life in modern Britain. Many of the skills learnt inter-link to support students in becoming independent thinkers, with a broad and balanced understanding of a variety of issues that affect their lives, so that they can make informed decisions as a young adult.
Students complete the Adolescent Lifestyle survey every three years and we use this information to inform our planning of the programme. We are flexible and use local feedback and information to respond to current issues as they arise. This can be as a response to surveys or pupil voice, discussions with other colleagues in schools or through Police information. For example, county lines, knife crime, child sexual exploitation and extremism, all have specific lessons dedicated to them in response to current needs locally or nationally.
There are currently three classrooms designated to the Curriculum Area. Each classroom is equipped with a projector or an interactive whiteboard. One of the classrooms has the additional benefit of computers for students with full internet access and printing facilities.
The curriculum has a centralised bank of multimedia resources, as well as general teaching resources to allow lessons to be fully interactive for the student;
This is an exciting time for Careers and Personal Development, and our programme of study has been developed in order to meet the recommendations following the latest statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education, which came into effect from September 2019. As a consequence of this, the policy is also under review and will be updated in the light of the statutory guidance.
Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate exceptional independence in exploring issues in small groups; they think critically, articulate their learning and their views with great confidence and work constructively with others on topics taught within the curriculum area. They consistently evaluate, discern and challenge their own and others' views, using appropriate evidence from a range of sources.
Students show an understanding of, and commitment to, their own and others' health and well-being. Students, appropriate to their age and capability, gain and understanding of relationships, sexual development, sexual consent and respect. They understand how to keep themselves and others healthy and safe and are made aware, for example, of the dangers of substance misuse. Students gain an understanding of how to recognise and deal with mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression; how to develop resilience and resist peer pressure; and where to go to seek further help and advice.
Students gain an understanding of the impact of bullying on others and actively challenge all forms of bullying.
The programme of study also allows students to explore different careers and pathways. They will all have access to a personal account on the 'Start' online careers platform. This will allow them to identify their own interests and skills and research different careers.
Key Stage 3
Throughout the programme of study students study units of work that are relevant to their lives and the world in which they live. These include units of work on friendships, family, anti-bullying and e-safety, puberty, hygiene and health, holiday safety (road, rail, land, water, fire), tolerance and respect of others, first aid, body image.
Throughout these topics, students will be made aware of how they can seek help and support if they are affected by any of the issues discussed in lessons.
They will also engage with material that will allow them to gain knowledge about how the UK is governed and the rights and responsibilities of its citizens in modern Britain. This includes, democracy and Parliament (voting and elections), liberties of UK citizens, the Justice system and managing money.
Careers- students are introduced to careers and will learn about the different employment sectors. They will self- evaluate their own skills and learn how they can develop these, so that they can be applied to their future employment.
Key Stage 4
Throughout the programme of study students study units of work that are relevant to their lives and the world in which they live. These include units of work about drug awareness, mental & emotional health, self- esteem, body image and the influence of the media, RSE topics including consent, contraception, sexual risks, respectful relationships and homophobia. Throughout these topics, students will be made aware of how they can seek help and support if they are affected by any of the issues discussed in lessonsRE- In year 9 and 10 students will also study two RE topics which follow the statutory guidance.
Careers- students will have a one to one appointment with an independent career's advisor. In lessons they will learn about the world of work including how to write a CV and how to prepare for a job interview. In year 11 students will have dedicated lesson time to write a personal statement and apply for post 16 courses through the Lincs2 online platform.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
We have always delivered RSE at Waltham Toll Bar Academy and are delighted that new statutory guidance, which came into effect from September 2019, has raised the importance and profile of the programme. We have re-written our programme of study to reflect the changes and this has been implemented from September 2019.
RSE is statutory guidance from the Department for Education issued under Sections 34 and 35 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017. This guidance replaces the Sex and Relationship Education guidance (2000).
Please refer to the RSE policy as it is updated for September 2019.
Definition of RSE: Relationships and sex education (RSE) is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. It should equip children and young people with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships and to take responsibility for their sexual health and well-being.
The programme of study will be split into areas around:
If you require any information about RSE please contact
Mrs L. Willoughby – Curriculum Leader of Careers and Personal Development
Tel: 01472 500 505
In addition to the taught programmes, the Curriculum Area offers a variety of activities and opportunities for the students.
Duke of Edinburgh - every year we arrange for a speaker from the DofE service to come in to Waltham Toll Bar Academy and talk to every student in Year 9. This takes place during a Careers and personal development lesson in their class, to allow for a less formal presentation where the students will feel comfortable asking questions.
NCS- every year we arrange for members of NCS to come into Waltham Toll Bar Academy and talk to every student in Year 11. This gives the students the opportunity to sign up for the NCS programme which takes place every summer.
Lifestyle - this is a community-based project run by Humberside Police, aimed at students using their time during the summer holiday. The Curriculum Area arranges for the local Community officer to attend House assemblies to promote this competition. Following on from this, in the autumn term, we also arrange for a special assembly where representatives from Humberside Police attend Waltham Toll Bar Academy to give out certificates and prizes to the students who participated in this activity.
Taster Days and Career Fairs - working closely with Grimsby Institute for Further Education, we take Year 10 students to attend a taster day. These days give our students the opportunity to 'have a go' at a course they may be interested in for post-16 options. All year 10 students also have the opportunity to visit the Skills Fair. We also work hard to promote other careers fairs available locally and to arrange for employers to visit the Academy.
Young People's Support Services - we have a very good relationship with the Careers advice section of this agency. Working closely with YPSS we arrange for vulnerable students to be seen for one to one career interview.
Education through Theatre and Outside Speakers - when possible we take the opportunity to invite these providers into Waltham Toll Bar Academy. Recent examples of these have been 'Say no to knives', Road Safety performance, Humberside Fire and Rescue, RNLI and Drug Awareness presentations from Addaction.
Voting in the Youth Parliament
All students have the opportunity to vote in the Youth Parliament. Students are made aware of the issues that young people in the area would like to discuss at the Youth Parliament. They discuss these issues during tutor time and then vote. The three issues that receive the most votes are then discussed at the Youth Parliament. This enables the students to have voice about issues that affect them.
Today's children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex word and living their lives seamlessly including online. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. The programme of study provides students with the knowledge, ability and confidence to leave the establishment as rounded young citizens of the local and wider community.